Category: News

Countdown to a Book Deal

MSNBC has an article about a guy working a job in every state in the nation. Daniel Seddiqui gets a gig in each state’s most famous industry, works there for one week, meets the people, and explores the surrounding area, before moving on. This quest is similar to Sean Aiken’s adventure working a different job…

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Elect Him or Sign Him to a Pro Sports Team

In a move worthy of our country’s best politicians and crisis-management-trained professional athletes, Herman Rosenblat has managed to both apologize and deny fault at the same time. Reuters says Rosenblat apologizes while the Associated Press says he’s not sorry. Meanwhile, since in spite of the men in white coats trying to correct me, I still…

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Jones Chicago Appearances favorite Stephen Graham Jones has three appearances in Chicago lined up in conjunction with the Association of Writing Programs conference. Just look for the guy with cool western shirts featuring pearl snap buttons. Today at 6pm, he’ll be at the Chiasmus Press Reading and Party at Barbara’s Bookstore, 1218 South Halsted Street. On Thursday…

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Wonder How Satch Feels?

Last night, Coldplay won the Grammy award for their song “Viva La Vida.” This is the very same song that is the center of a lawsuit by guitar virtuoso Joe Satriani. Satch claims that Coldplay’s tune is follows too closely with his 2004 song, “If I Could Fly.” In fact, there was some speculation that…

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Soft Skull’s Banner 2008

Many observers have argued that small presses have the best shot at succeeding in this challening economy. Those independent publishers can be more nimble is reacting to market conditions, they can carve out specialized niches, and they can maintain a more personal relationship with customers than the mega-conglomerates. That seems to be working for at…

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