Calling All Book Groups

I had seen this article before the holidays, but hadn’t commented on it. Howevever, a “it’s a small world” experience over the holidays made me revisit the piece. Over Christmas, a relative from the Philadelphia area visited me at the Mansion. She said there was an interesting article in the paper at these authors…

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Useful Advice for the New Year

J.A. Konrath, always a source of useful and helpful writing tips, has an interesting post about setting goals for 2009. While most of us focus on landing an agent, getting published, accumulating a certain number of bylines, Konrath points out that you have little control over these accomplishments. Instead, focus on the things that you…

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The Rock Bible

So if one of your new year’s resolutions is to learn the proper way to rock in 2009, check out The Rock Bible: Unholy Scripture for Fans & Bands presented by Chunklet Magazine. Whether you’re a fan, in a band, in the crew, or a music critic, this book is loaded with humorous “advice” for…

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year, Slushpile readers. I hope everyone has had a safe and fun holiday season. In addition to the usual holiday carousing, I’ve been working on demonstrating my writeability while working on my nonfiction book, A Year of Committing Homicide. Meanwhile, let’s all wish J.D. Salinger a happy birthday. Yesterday, while we were taking…

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Lish Re-Enters the Classroom

Famed editor and creative writing teacher Gordon Lish is re-entering the classroom. Galley Cat has all the details here. One of my old teachers, Mark Richard, studied with Lish and he had hilarious stories of those workshops. So I’m sure this new round of classes will be fun and challenging.

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