A Deep Sigh of Relief

I suppose this would be the appropriate time to cue Etta James’s “At Last.” But it’s in the wrong musical genre for this post and I don’t want to copy a Hoover vaccuum cleaner advertisement. Nonetheless, with a deep sigh of relief and excitement, I’m linking to this news story. Publishers Weekly has the announcement…

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Munro Takes Man Booker

Short story master Alice Munro won the Man Booker Prize yesterday. The judges stated, “To read Alice Munro is to learn something every time that you never thought of before.”

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Hannah’s Rules

HTML Giant recently had a nice post from a former student of Barry Hannah’s that details the master’s rules for stories. Definitely check it out because the poster even featured a copy of Hannah’s handwritten notes, which sometimes frustrated me for hours as I tried to decipher the script. Although, Hannah’s handwriting made it difficult…

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E-Books and Prices

In the New York Times, Motoko Rich examines the problems surrounding pricing e-books in an article entitled “Steal this Book (for $9.99). It’s an interesting look at how the publishing industry needs to balance the consumer’s perception that digital literature needs to be dirt cheap with the economic realities of the costs involved in making…

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Outcast Author Question & Answer

Here’s an interesting question and answer session with Warren St. John, New York Times reporter and author of the recently released Outcasts United: A Refugee Team, an American Town. Since we’re all bookish types around here, St. John’s name may be familiar because he was a key figure in the unmasking of J.T. Leroy three…

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