The Paris Review Launches Blog

Esteemed literary journal The Paris Review has launched a daily blog. In the introductory post, editor Lorin Stein writes, “Taking inspiration from the Review’s founding editor, George Plimpton, our mode will be participatory journalism, our beat the arts. We will write about what we love, not as critics, but as participants—as amateurs in the Plimptonian…

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Buy Anne Rice’s Pad for $3.3 Mill

Seems that bestselling vampire writer Anne Rice is selling her home (at least one of them, that is) in an effort to downsize. Although most readers probably associate Rice with New Orleans, this news article points out that she is selling a 9,000 square-foot pad in the desert near Palm Springs. Purchase the home, move…

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The New Juiced?

The sports pages are full of details about Floyd Landis’s admission that he used performance enhancing drugs during his cycling career. So we’re taking bets: how long until Landis signs a book deal? With the bestseller success of Jose Canseco’s 2006 book Juiced: Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big, it seems to…

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Jason Pinter on Technology and Self-Publishing

Over at the Huffington Post, Jason Pinter writes an interesting piece entitled “The Konrath Effect: Will New Technology Ruin Talented Authors”. It’s an intriguing piece because he contrasts two types of authors who are using e-books to further their career. Along the way, he looks at the strengths and weaknesses that each of these authors…

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How Can Authors Make More Money?

Would you bid in an auction where your favorite author’s pen is up for sale? Would you buy a T-shirt from a cool scribe? How about paying five dollars extra to get a signed book? As writers, would you offer such items for sale in an attempt to make a few extra bucks? If the…

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