Put Some Bozo Back in Your Life

It’s been an exciting –and hectic– time here at Slushpile.net headquarters. There are now less than 6 weeks to go until my first book is published. The Man Behind the Nose: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales by Larry Harmon, co-authored by yours truly, will be released from HarperCollins on August 17, 2010. I’ve…

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Another Ho Hum: Surprise! The New York Times Hates Bret Easton Ellis

It seems like every other day, someone in our bookish blogging world offers a theory for why major media book coverage is shrinking. Generally, these concepts involve the economy, the proliferation of blogs, the short attention spans of today’s consumers, and a few little green martians. But today, I’m going to offer another, admittedly outlandish,…

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One of These Things Seems Like the Other…

I made my feelings about writing books years ago. So I tend to ignore most of the industry news about how-to-write and how-to-get-published books. But in yesterday’s Publishers Marketplace there was a tidbit that gave me a sense of deja vu all over again. Here’s the news item that caught my attention, from Monday, June…

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Ho Hum, Another Sports Coach Book

I love sports. And I love books. And I’m fascinated by coaches. So I should love sports books by coaches, right? But I just don’t. Today’s yawner came with the news that New York Jets head football coach Rex Ryan is set to write a “nontraditional autobiography” that will be published by Doubleday next year.…

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Tragedy in Nashville, But Damn Fine Writing

As most longtime readers of Slushpile.net know, what little time in my life that isn’t absorbed in the pages of books is devoted to guitars. So I’m happy to say that I’ve placed a few articles in Premier Guitar. In the current issue, I’ve got a bit about joining a band when you have to…

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