In the October issue of Outside, Tom Bissell recounts his conversation with Jim Harrison in “The Last Lion.” Bissell is the author of Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter, Chasing the Sea: Lost Among the Ghosts of Empire in Central Asia, and The Father of All Things: A Marine, His Son, and the Legacy of…
As we work out the kinks in our new theme here at, we’ve noticed that there is an error in that the category links are not pulling all the entries. For example, if you click on the Interviews link on the right, it only displays five results when, in fact, we’ve posted dozens and…
It’s not every day that you turn to a novel for household cleaning tips. Maybe you look at a periodical like Good Housekeeping or you flip through a nonfiction reference book. But then again, it’s not every day that your home turns into a crime scene. Luckily, crime is a rarity in the exclusive confines…
Our benefactor, John Biggs, is pleased to announce our first web course featuring one-on-one time with him online during the run of the program. It’s a 12-week writing course with a focus on blogging and it should take you 20 minutes or so a day to go through the sections, videos, exercises and discussions.
Nick Davies, the publishing director for interesting article issued an interesting explanation of why the house is publishing WikiLeaks’ chief Julian Assange’s book against his will. Davies’s account is an intriguing look at what goes on behind the scenes with some of these celebrity books. The subject isn’t happy, can’t be made happy, the publishing…