Just When I Thought They Would Finally Shut Up

[Originally posted on Friday, June 17] I???m sobbing as I type this because I just don???t think I can take anymore?Ķ I hoped and prayed that we had reached a point to where everyone would just shut-up about the whole thing and we could get back on with our lives. So the autopsy results for…

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If We Had Sound on this Website, You’d Hear Me Puking

[Originally posted on Thursday, June 9th] No photo?Ķ I???m not wasting the bandwidth. As I wipe specks of my breakfast from my lips, and contemplate getting drunk at 9:15am, or maybe just jumping off the roof, The New York Daily News brings us this little bit of bile. Gossip columnist Lloyd Grove is hearing rumors…

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Whatever Happened to the Delete Key?

[Originally posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2005] I???m a big believer in doing justice to a story. If it needs 50 pages, then it should be 50 pages. If it needs 5,000 pages, then go to office supply store and load up on the paper. But having said that, am I the only one who…

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Tip: Imitation Teaches Originality

Nicholas Delbanco has a wonderful essay entitled From Echoes Emerge Original Voices in which he outlines an interesting idea for teaching creative writing. For his class at the University of Michigan, he actually encourages his students to imitate the greats. Delbanco argues, very persuasively, that “to engage in imitation is to begin to understand what…

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Tip: Focus on the Lesser Known Details

I think one of the best ways to establish authority, either as an author or for one of your characters, is to focus on the lesser known details. The things that only a scuba diver would know. Or that pizza joint that only a lifelong Brooklyn resident would know. Look for the things, or places,…

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