Editor Moves: Regan Editors Named

A couple of sources are reporting moves at Regan Books. Elizabeth Bewley has been named associate editor and Maureen O’Neal has been named senior editor.

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BoD: The Great Gatsby

Just because it’s summer and I’m wishing that I were strolling amongst the crowds, the bands, and eccentric guests at a fine party… today’s Book of the Day is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Many books affect you on an emotional level. And many other books affect you on an intellectual level. The Great…

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Baltimore Book Project Gets Publicity

The Baltimore Sun has a great article about a local charity that gives away free books. That simple. “I want the books in people’s homes and in their hands,” said founder Russell Wattenberg. “The books don’t do any good on shelves and in boxes.” This is a fantastic idea. Read the article here.

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Poor Writing Costs Millions

Yahoo picked up an AP report that points out that states spend nearly a quarter of a billion dollars on remedial writing education for their employees. The article points out “Poor writing not only befuddles citizens but also slows down the government as bureaucrats struggle with unclear instructions or have to redo poorly written work.”…

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Myths Writers Live By, But Should Abandon

There’s a great article in the July/August issue of Poets & Writers that everyone should check out. Myths We Live By, But Shouldn’t by David Galef outlines 14 myths that are such a part of the writing culture, we often just accept them as truths. But the reality is that these myths hinder our progress…

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