Guy Better Get His Birkenstocks Ready

AJ Jacobs signed a deal with editor Geoff Kloske at Simon & Schuster for a book called The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Obey the Bible as Literally as Possible. Sloan Harris at ICM was the agent involved in the deal, reported to be worth between a quarter of a million…

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Where to Turn?

Most how-to-publish books are garbage. I’ve mentioned one or two that I like but the vast majority of them provide nothing more in-depth than “target the publishers you submit your work to… don’t submit your horror gorefest about alien foot fungus to Harlequin Romances” and so-called advice like that. I’ve got a shelf full of…

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Congrats to Slushpile Favorites

I’m happy to say that Publishers Lunch is reporting a deal that involves two of our very favorite people. Will Christopher Baer, author of Kiss Me, Judas and others sold three new books of “existential violence and intensity” to one of our favorite editors, Jason Wood at MacAdam/Cage. Too often, I look at the news…

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BoD: No Country for Old Men

We’ve talked about Cormac McCarthy’s new novel No Country for Old Men before on Slushpile. But in honor of our interview with McCarthy’s editor Gary Fisketjon, we’re making it our Book of the Day. Amazon states that July 19 is the official release date of McCarthy’s new one, but I’d suggest you go ahead and…

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