Publishers Marketplace is reporting that Slushpile favorite Joe R. Lansdale has sold A Fine Dark Line about a boy “consumed by the contents of an old tin box that carries the secrets of a small town’s past” to Traveling Light producer Adam Friedman who will also direct the effort. Lansdale is a great writer and…
Yesterday, as part of a roundup of the Sunday reviews, I posted references to a couple of less-than-rave reviews for Bret Easton Ellis’ new novel Lunar Park. The question I’m asking today is, was anyone surprised by that? It seems to me that some critics should just not be allowed to review Bret Easton Ellis.
I learned about this via the great website BookNinja. Shocking as though it may be, Victoria Beckham, also known as Posh Spice, has never read a single book. Not one. The British papers are reporting that she said in a Spanish interview “I haven’t read a book in my life,” she said. “I haven’t got…