Defending Bret

Meghan O’Rourke writes for Slate that “I really like Lunar Park, the tricky new novel by Bret Easton Ellis. In this I seem to be nearly alone.” You’re not alone, Meghan, I thought there was a lot of good stuff there as well. But be sure to read Meghan’s defense of Ellis. She makes a…

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John T. Edge Reviewed in The Times

Also in The New York Times is a review of Hamburger & Fries: An American Story by John T. Edge. Third in a series of books on American food traditions, this book focuses on the multitude of ways of preparing a hamburger throughout this land of ours. Edge is a food expert who writes for…

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Editor Moves: Lucas to Harelquin

That is in fact how MediaBistro spelled it, but I’m assuming (always a dangerous propostion, I know) that they mean Harlequin, the romance publisher. But anyway, the website is reporting that Demetria Lucas was named associate editor at “Harelquin.” Lucas was previously an assistant editor at BET Books/Arabesque. So all you folks out there quit…

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McInerney’s 9/11 Book Jacket

The New York Times has an interesting article detailing the book jacket for the new Jay McInerney novel, The Good Life. “Several recent novels in the United States have addressed the events of Sept. 11, 2001, but none have yet dared to use an iconic image of that day – a burning tower or ordinary…

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Happy Friday

Pretty slow news day here at the Slushpile world headquarters. So there probably won’t be much content today. Have a great weekend and check us out on Monday!

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