Strauss Work Roundup

I’ve mentioned my review of Neil Strauss’ current bestseller, The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. The book has spent six weeks on the New York Times list, was optioned for film production, and has been featured in numerous major media outlets. To go along with that book, I thought it would be…

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Formatting Foul-Ups

I just recently noticed that some of our older interviews have fluky formatting in them. I suppose this happened when we changed servers recently. Or maybe it’s been there for months and I just haven’t seen it. Either way, I’ll work on getting those items corrected this week. So if you’re browsing through our past…

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What is Being an Expert and What is Protecting Your Turf?

Back in early August, I ran a bit about some controversy surrounding the Washington Post book review of John Irving’s most recent novel, Until I Find You. The uproar at the time was that the newspaper ran a book review written by a critic who had a personal relationship with Irving. The newspaper acted to…

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Lots of Book and Mag Job Changes

There were a whole bunch of changes in the publishing and magazine world last week. Big names leaving positions, big names starting new gigs, changes all around.

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Amazon and Random House Announce Plans for Online Pay-Per-View

There were numerous reports yesterday about big announcements from Amazon and Random House. First of all, the online retail giant unveiled Amazon Pages. The program allows consumers to view parts of a book online for a fee. Amazon did not provide details on pricing and no major publishers have signed up for the program. Meanwhile,…

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