It’s All About the Execution

I often hear writers spend an inordinate amount of time talking about their search for the great idea. I do it myself. Often, we get frustrated at rejection letters from The Toilet Paper Review or the fact that managing editor at Headbanging Accordion magazine won’t return our phone calls and we blame it on the…

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Yet Another Literary Fraud

  I’ve seen various posts about this around the literary web, but I just didn’t have the stomach to get into yet another fraud story. But when Sherman Alexie speaks, I definitely perk up. Alexie, the creator of what is one of my favorite titles of all time with The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in…

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The Good Life Reviewed

  Jay McInerney’s newest novel was reviewed in today’s edition of the New York Times and I’m not in the slightest bit surprised by the critic’s opinions. When you see that Michiko Kakutani is the reviewer, you can bet a car payment on the outcome. In some ways Kakutani praises McInerney’s work. She writes that…

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Today, Experience The Good Life

  When I first started writing, I searched through the library for young men like me. My college literature classes were filled with old guys from what seemed like ancient periods. Although I loved Fitzgerald and Joyce, I couldn’t connect with flappers and Irish pubs in terms of picturing myself as a writer. I devoured Melville…

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McInerney Appears on Iron Chef America

  It’s an unfortunate circumstance of being a writer in this culture that we don’t get a whole lot of publicity. Paris Hilton and Ashton Kutcher get so much attention that I have nightmares about them both, but the best writers in the world are generally relegated to odd appearances on PBS and sometimes an…

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