The Query Version of Pulling Pigtails

You remember when you were a little boy? And the best way to show you had a crush on a girl was to tease her, make fun of her braces, put bugs in her lunch, and pull her pigtails? The always enjoyable Miss Snark presents a query letter written by an author who is clearly still in…

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Still More Lawsuit News

  The LA Times picked up a Bloomberg News report about still another literary lawsuit. Former Yale Law School researcher John Lott is claiming that Steven Levitt and HarperCollins Publishers Inc. damaged his reputation with the publication of Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. In the book, Levitt writes that other scholars had been…

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Recycling Titles

Hillel Italie, AP National Writer, examines the frequency of publishers using recycled titles.

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The Da Vinci Fence and Operation: Fashion Variety

WCAX-TV in Burlington, VT reported that bestselling author Dan Brown has started construction on a wrought-iron fence around his home in Rye, NH. The report stated that Brown’s attorney said that the author didn’t want to fence himself in, but that he needs to protect the privacy and safety of his family. The Portsmouth Herald reported that…

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Fire Damages Bleak House

  The New York Times reported that fire damaged the home where Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield. The home used to house a Dickens museum but was recently sold to a private owner. No one was inside the structure during the blaze on Sunday night. Other reports state that forty fireman extinguished the blaze within an…

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