BEA: I’m Not a Villian, Just a Lit Blogger!

Here’s a tip for you aspiring lit bloggers out there: publicists don’t usually wear dark suits, have ear pieces, or talk into their wrist. Most publishers hosted author signings in their booths on the convention floor. But some of the bigger autograph sessions were held in a centralized signing area, complete with rope lines to control traffic to-and-from more…

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And Today’s Theme Ingredient Is

Both Publishers Weekly and Publishers Marketplace reported that Food Network’s Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto signed a book deal with DK Publishing. The book is currently scheduled for a September 2007 release. Undoubtedly, the editors will surprise Morimoto with the special theme subject, he’ll have an hour to write the manuscript, and he’ll stuff pages into a…

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More BEA Adventures Tomorrow

Check back tomorrow for my tales of celebrity signings, warnings from security, publisher parties, and an encounter at the L. Ron Hubbard booth.

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BEA: You’re Gonna Make Yourself Sick!

Books, books, books, books, books. Books! As far as the eye can see. I step off the escalator into an orgy of books. A Caligula-number of books. Just an absolute shitload of books, free!, waiting to be devoured. Gene Simmons and Wilt Chamberlin combined didn’t have as many groupies as I, a literary nobody, now have books! Remember Scrooge…

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BEA: The Field Before Us

I’m sure there is a scene in an old Conan story, maybe a Doc Savage pulp novel, about an underground city. That’s an appropriate image for walking to the edge and looking over at the BEA convention floor. More than 2,000 exhibits displaying publishing professionals from 93 countries. For the book lover, gazing upon these thousands of…

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