Noir and Guiness

  From the great Bookninja, I learned about this interesting article on Irish Noir. Irish noir has a unique power. It describes a violent clash of world-views, where the old primal brutality takes on the heartless modernity of the new order. There are no good guys here, only competing brands of badness and madness where…

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Review: White Shadow

My review of Ace Atkins’ new novel, White Shadow, was posted on PopMatters yesterday. This seductive, atmospheric work is a dramatic departure from Atkins’ previous novels. Be sure to check out the review in its entirety here.

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A Bag Full of Bats

  Between Tuesday’s 6-6-06 festivities, revisiting a few of my favorite occult books that would have scared the bejesus out of my sweet Southern-Baptist grandma, and preparing a Demon Theory interview, I’m afraid I’ve been locked in an epic struggle with Asmodeus and his legion of evil soldiers from the Ninth Plane of Hell. Therefore, I…

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The Devil’s Library

As the sun rises on this frightening day of 6-6-06, I’m reflecting upon yet another sign of the impending apocalypse. There are so many omens in our culture that the end of time is near, but last night might have been the final harbinger. VH1’s The Fabulous Life typically features rappers you’ve never heard of but…

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EWN Panel on Writing Women’s Voices

  Dan, over at the Emerging Writers Network, enlisted the wonderful Lauren Cerand to co-host an illuminating panel discussion on the nature of writing women’s voices in literature. This great discussion features Dan and Lauren talking with Christina Boyka Kluge, Bill Gordon, Michelle Herman, and Ronna Wineberg. One of the most interesting exchanges revolved around the…

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