Ace Atkins Profiled in Montgomery Newspaper

  The Montgomery Advertiser features an interview with Ace Atkins. One of the most intriguing aspects of this interview centes on his decision to leave behind a book deal in order to persue his new novel, White Shadow. Q. How hard was it to turn down the multi-book deal you’d been offered if you continued…

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Longoria Joins Ever-Growing List of Celebrity Authors

  The Book Standard is reporting that Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria is joining the ever-increasing list of celebrity authors. A number of other outlets also picked up this report. She plans to pen an erotic novel because, “They offered a huge deal and I like the idea of seeing my book on a shelf,” Longoria said.…

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More Lit Travel News

CNN must have just hired a Literature PhD candidate to bolster their travel coverage. Earlier this week, they featured articles on traveling to Robert E. Howard’s Cross Plains, TX and Ernest Hemingway’s Ketchum, ID. Today, CNN’s fellow travelers turn their attention to Walt Whitman’s Camden, NY. “A tour offered this summer called ‘Walt Whitman & His Invincible City’ celebrates…

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Interview: Stephen Graham Jones, Author

The movies get it all wrong. You don’t just spew out some Latin, crank up Judas Priest, draw a pentagram on your notebook during study hall, and summon the devil. As serious necromancers know, conjuring a demon is a grim business, full of risk and threat. And it’s far from being an exact science. The denziens of the netherworld…

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Walsh Takes Over Powell’s Blog

I intended to mention earlier in the week that Pat Walsh, former editor at MacAdam/Cage and author of the best damn book on getting published period, is the guest blogger at Powell’s. Walsh’s most recent book is How to Win the World Series of Poker (Or Not) but he put down the playing cards and…

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