Final Larry Brown Novel Optioned

I was too ill to go into work today, but here’s a bit of news that has absolutely, totally, completely brightened my day. The Book StandardĀ is reporting that the late Larry Brown’s final novel, The Rabbit Factory, has been optioned by Lionsgate. And if the thought of a Larry Brown movie wasn’t exciting enough, the…

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Don’t Count Your Ghostwriting Chickens…

…before they hatch. Last week, I mentioned a report that Eva Longoria signed a deal to write an “erotic novel.” However, much to the chagrin of would-be ghostwriters, US Weekly stepped in to set the record straight. The magazine quotes a Longoria rep as saying “There is no book deal and there never has been.”…

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Ripped From the Headlines

I guess if it works for all those CSI shows, then maybe writers should try it… The always useful Publishers MarketplaceĀ reported that Jamie Michaels sold a book entitled Kiss My Book to Delacorte recently. It’s the “story of a teen writing sensation who gets caught plagiarizing her debut novel, but finds redemption and romance when…

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Wall to Wall Soccer

I was a striker for the very first youth soccer team ever in my little rural Kentucky town. Although clearly, I wasn’t very good since we didn’t score a single goal until the final game of the season. The next year, I played on the very first soccer team fielded by my high school. I…

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Dead Air

My Internet service has been down for the past day-and-a-half. I’m posting this from a Treo, which is a great gadget for staying in touch, but not so great for posting items to a blog. So I’m going to have to hold off on some of the items I had prepared. I’ll post some over…

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