Get More Stuff

Over the weekend, the August 2006 issue of Stuff magazine hit the newsstands. I know, it ain’t The New Yorker and there aren’t any O. Henry prize winning stories in those pages. But I mention it because I did some work on this issue. It’s uncredited work so I’m not on the masthead, but them’s the breaks.…

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Hemmings Signs New Book Deal

According to the always useful Publishers Marketplace, Kauai Hart Hemmings recently signed a deal with Random House for The Descendants. The book is described as the story of a descendant of a Hawaiian royal family who, upon learning that his dying wife was having an affair, teams with his two troubled young daughters to find her…

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Independence Day Revisited

  I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe holiday. My 4th of July was pretty low-key. I watched Kobayashi cram down a record 53 and three-quarters hot dogs and buns in the annual eating competition on Coney Island. How do these guys not explode? And just how much do they have to “eat”? Kobayashi must…

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Ice Movie Continues to Make Progress

  In spite of my glee the other day at the news that Lionsgate has optioned the rights to Larry Brown’s novel, The Rabbit Factory, I find it’s usually best to remain cautious about Hollywood’s interaction with the book world. So many books and stories are optioned, but never actually made into a film. And…

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New T.R. Pearson Book

  Running a blog like this one, I generally know about books long before they actually hit bookstore shelves. I read about the deal being signed, then publicists inform me of release dates, I see the galleys, and so forth. It’s a perk, and a necessity, of operating a website like this. However, there are rare…

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