New James Rollins Book Released

  You might remember the interview I did last summer with author James Rollins. At the time, we talked about his novel Map of Bones. I’m not usually a fan of adventure stories, but this one was fantastic. Epic in scale and inventive in plot, I closed that book and said to a friend, “this guy…

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Lit Blog Co-Op

Something happened last week which left me humbled and honored. But I just didn’t have the time to post properly about it. So I’ve finally gotten a chance to sit down, gather my thoughts, and share this honor with you. I was asked to join the Litblog Co-Op and, of course, I accepted immediately. This is…

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Review: Once in a Lifetime

I’ve mentioned this book before, but my full-length review of Gavin Newsham’s Once in a Lifetime: The Incredible Story of the New York Cosmos was posted on PopMatters today. The documentary film based on the book opens today in New York and hits theaters nationwide next week. Check out the book review here.

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Louganis Alert Lifted

Well, I’m happy to say that France defeated Portugal in yesterday’s World Cup action. The victory by Les Bleus sets up the Sunday final of France versus Italy.  I’m told that ESPN, which has been criticized for its World Cup coverage, had put Olympic great Greg Louganis on-alert. Had Portugal faced Italy in the finals, Louganis would…

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Lutz on Hannah

  Bookslut features a great interview with Gary Lutz, author of Stories in the Worst Way and I Looked Alive. What originally caught my attention was Lutz’s invocation of the great brawling master, Barry Hannah. When I was nosing about in bookstores in the mid-eighties, I was eventually struck by certain slim books of prose fiction in which…

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