When you create a work of fiction, the world is whatever you want it to be. But “Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, and Fake News”?isn?t about fiction as it applies to novels?it?s also fiction disguised as memoirs, personas, and especially P.T. Barnum’s world of ?curiosities.” Author Kevin Young dons his Columbo…
Today is the publication day for KISS rocker Gene Simmons’ new book On Power: My Journey through the Corridors of Power and How You Can Get More Power, a title that seems purpose built for SEO key word optimization. In case you didn’t notice, the book is about power. I’ll have some thoughts on the…
Say what you want about Jimmy Buffett (and I will?I can’t stand his music), but the man knows how to make a buck. (And it’s not genetic?contrary to what many believe, he is not related to Warren Buffett.) But Buffett (the Jimmy one) has transformed the art of the three-minute pop song into an easy…
Iron Maiden vocalist Bruce Dickinson was already an airplane pilot, champion fencer, and legendary rocker. Now, he’s a bestseller. His memoir “What Does this Button Do? landed at #10 on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction bestseller list. Hard rock books have a special place in the Slushpile library (“place” might not be the best…
When a chef from a yoga retreat where I met a guitar god signs a deal for a largely vegetarian cookbook, that catches my attention. Lots going on in that sentence, so let’s go through it point by point. Publishers Marketplace is reporting that Jeremy Rock Smith, executive chef at the Kripalu Center for Yoga…