Grisham-Funded House Now a Home

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, bestselling author and Mississippi native John Grisham stepped in to help with a tremendous act of charity. And on Saturday, one family moved into their new home, courtesy of the writer.

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Frazier Interviewed in Newsweek

Charles Frazier, author of Cold Mountain and Thirteen Moons, is interviewed in the September 18th issue of Newsweek. The online version of the piece is available here. It’s an interesting interview and Frazier talks about the massive sale of his newest novel, being a Southerner with a Ph.D, and his children’s take on marketing hype.…

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Free Fantasy Books Available

  Here are a couple of mass-market fantasy books for the first person who emails me. First, Michael Moorcock’s The Dreamthief’s Daughter: A Tale of the Albino is an interesting twist on his series of books involving Elric of Melnibone. I’ve always enjoyed Moorcock’s work because of the way he treats fantasy in a realistic manner.…

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Piles of Work

Recently, work has been a Sisyphean challenge for me. It seems like no matter what I do, more and more piles of work build up, threatening to smother me and sap every ounce of energy I might generate. Certainly, you’ve probably noticed a slight down-turn in activity here, which is something I hope to rectify…

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Back to Work

  Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. But now it’s time to put our collective noses, and pens, back to the grindstone.

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