Miss Snark on Writing Hooks

  Miss Snark offers advice on writing hooks in query letters.

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Hannah on Noir

  Mississippi author Barry Hannah, the nightwatchman, writes about noir and teaching the genrein the new issue of The Oxford American. “In noir, doom rules the mood. It is perhaps the one consistent noun of the literature, running wild over both the good and the shady. The apt weather is one of destruction, with characters…

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Enough Already

  I’ve about had it with a couple of commercials. The shocking car crash thing was pretty cool, and effective… the first 1,256,329 times I saw it. But now, with All State insurance and Volkswagen both machine gunning our airwaves with the nice-drive-in-the-car-oh-my-god!-smashing-screeching-air bag-deploying thing, I really don’t care. Another television commerical element I’m sick of…

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Weird Ad Thingy

You might see an odd advertisement thing pop up on Slushpile.net today. This is something that other sites on the server use but is not part of Slushpile.net. It shouldn’t be showing up here. Please bear with us while we correct this problem.

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Best Wishes to Barry

  Ill with pneumonia, Barry Hannah was forced to cancel a reading in Tallahassee, FL last night. In his place, Florida State University grad student Michael Garriga and FSU writing professor Bob Shacochis stepped up and read their favority Hannah stories. Get well soon, Barry.

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