You still brag about that high school state championship?

So, here’s a book deal that will make you feel like you’ve accomplished almost nothing in your life. “The only member of the U.S. Armed Services to complete SEAL training, U.S. Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training, and only the 36th African American to become a Navy SEAL in its storied…

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#tbt The Book of Lists

I love trivia. Trivial Pursuit is the only board game I’ll play. Probably because it?s the only one I?m good at. (Well, that and Stratego.) I get very competitive?for me, trivial knowledge is personal. I knew that Craig Claiborne was The New York Times? restaurant critic when the first Genus edition of Trivial Pursuit came…

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Downing book deal announced

After posting yesterday about hard rock books, I saw an announcement about yet another new release. According to Blabbermouth, former Judas Priest guitarist K.K. Downing will release a memoir in September of this year. His co-author on the project is noted rock writer Mark Eglinton. Downing was one of my favorite interviews for my book…

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Just can’t stop the hard rock book train

There once was a time when book and magazine editors proudly said, “Metalheads don’t read.” But we now know that to embarrassingly incorrect as books by hard rock musicians continue to appear, and sell pretty well. Observers of the genre also continue to come up with new topics and perspectives for memoirs, essays, and critical…

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How do you get rid of books?

Most book lovers confront the possibility of being crushed by their libraries at some point or another. Depending on your space and your finances, it might just be a pile of four or five texts in the corner or it might be a wing of the house that is going to collapse under the weight…

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