To quote Sunday’s New York Times’ Book Review: “Picasso desperately wanted to marry her. Peter Sellers would have settled for an affair. John Fowles publicly fantasized about abducting her and keeping her as a prisoner.? With so many A-plus list courters, it would seem the love life of Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth II?s late sister,…
Having already covered ?is this a demon or is it just a crazy pregnant lady?? of “Rosemary?s Baby,” I thought I?d write about a similar book – namely, ?is this a demon or is it a pre-pubescent girl? in “The Exorcist.” Having seen The Exorcist when I was 12 (don?t ask) and was then scared…
I just recently finished?Do No Harm: ?stories of Life, Death, and Brain Surgery by Henry Marsh, and I have to say I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would. ?In fact, it’s the second medically-related book that I finished recently (the prior being?When Breath Becomes Air), and it seems to be…
At least, that’s how those in charge framed things in the plants that were running in Orange, NJ and Ottawa, IL. ?In her book?The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women, Kate Moore paints us a picture – a very human one – of what went on for these women.
I love trivia. Trivial Pursuit is the only board game I’ll play. Probably because it?s the only one I?m good at. (Well, that and Stratego.) I get very competitive?for me, trivial knowledge is personal. I knew that Craig Claiborne was The New York Times? restaurant critic when the first Genus edition of Trivial Pursuit came…