Category: Rants

Why Won’t a Publishing Book Work?

Recently, the New York Observer wondered if there is any glamour left in publishing. The article generated a healthy amount of discussion amongst the book blogs and I didn’t initially think I had anything else to offer on the subject. But some of the ideas expressed in this article have really been festering away for…

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What Part of “Against the Law” Do You Not Understand?

With New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez’s admission to taking performance enhancing drugs, the whole issue of steroids in baseball has entered mainstream discourse again this week. I’m not much of a baseball fan, and frankly, I’m tired of the whole affair. However, there’s one part of the steroid discussion that drives me absolutely crazy. Athletes,…

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More on the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Meltdown

Galley Cat has featured frequent updates and additional information on the virtual collapse of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt during the week. Today, the Cat provides insight from a senior staffer who was among the 200 people laid off this week. “The adult trade division has been crippled to the extent that books in production cannot be…

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A Year of Doing What You’re Supposed to Do

I enjoy these books where someone “does something.” Even when they do it for a specified period of time, which occasionally makes it seem more like just a way to get a book deal as opposed to actually exploring something important in their life. I like the work of AJ Jacobs, I enjoyed Pete Jordan’s…

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Freelancer Collection Attempts

Ed has an article about the difficulties collecting payment for freelance writing. In this case, it looks like it might work out well in the end. But the experience is still infuriating. The difficult economic times are putting a toll on everyone. But freelancers getting stiffed isn’t a recent phenomenon. Even during the good times,…

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