Category: News

Porizkova’s Difficult Decisions

 The always useful Publishers Marketplace reported that former supermodel Paulina Porizkova signed a deal with Hyperion for a novel entitled A Model Summer in which a fifteen-year-old Czech-born Swedish girl is chosen by a modeling agent to spend a summer strutting for the camera in Paris. During that time in the City of Light, the model is…

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MacAdam/Cage Partners with Random House of Canada

  Earlier this week, the fine independent publisher MacAdam/Cage announced a strategic relationship with Random House of Canada. In April of this year, Random House of Canada will take responsibility for selling, distributing, and marketing the Cage’s fantastic frontlist titles. Additionally, M/C’s previously published hardcover books will be issued in paperback editions as part of the Anchor Canada list.…

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One of the Village’s Voices Silenced

  Slushpile favorite Neil Strauss has been getting a lot of attention in the last few days. Last week, reports containing more details about the film version of The Game appeared in numerous outlets, including this article in Variety. I have also seen Strauss quoted in the April issue of Men’s Fitness and a number…

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Signs of a Misspent Youth

Also in Publishers Marketplace was the news that Paul Volponi sold two young adult books to Atheneum. All In is about a teenage boy who strives to win a poker tournament in order to avenge his deceased father who was mistreated by the reigning poker champion who also happens to be the boy’s math teacher. Triple Bug Boy is…

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Clarifying the Anxiety of Influence

  Publishers Marketplace reported that prominent literary scholar Harold Bloom recently closed a deal on a new book entitled The Anatomy of Influence. Bloom will “reopen and clarify” his theory of the anxiety of influence and will examine the minds that have most shaped us. In typical door-stopper-book fashion, the text will trace “how our thought…

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