Category: News

How to Get Your Name in a Book by Showering 32 Days Straight

I just noticed this… and maybe it’s because I got far too little sleep last night… but does anyone other than me think it’s odd that the the Guiness World Records: 2006 is listed on the Paperback Advice best sellers list by the folks at the New York Times? Advice? Really?

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Product Placement in Books

Motoko Rich writes Product Placement Deals Make Leap From Film to Books in today’s New York Times. We’ve grown accustomed to seeing brand names in movies and on television shows, but now, it seems the trend is moving to literature. As I sit here, casually enjoying the fine caffeinated rush of my Mt. Dew, typing on…

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Author Whups Hubbie Upside the Head

  You know how on Cops, the spouses always seem to take up for the abusive husband? They call the police, but by the time the cruiser arrives, they’ve reconciled and are crying and holding hands as the officer leads the dude, who invariably has no shirt on, away. I guess this is the literary…

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Noir and Guiness

  From the great Bookninja, I learned about this interesting article on Irish Noir. Irish noir has a unique power. It describes a violent clash of world-views, where the old primal brutality takes on the heartless modernity of the new order. There are no good guys here, only competing brands of badness and madness where…

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EWN Panel on Writing Women’s Voices

  Dan, over at the Emerging Writers Network, enlisted the wonderful Lauren Cerand to co-host an illuminating panel discussion on the nature of writing women’s voices in literature. This great discussion features Dan and Lauren talking with Christina Boyka Kluge, Bill Gordon, Michelle Herman, and Ronna Wineberg. One of the most interesting exchanges revolved around the…

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