Category: News

Ice Movie Continues to Make Progress

  In spite of my glee the other day at the news that Lionsgate has optioned the rights to Larry Brown’s novel, The Rabbit Factory, I find it’s usually best to remain cautious about Hollywood’s interaction with the book world. So many books and stories are optioned, but never actually made into a film. And…

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New T.R. Pearson Book

  Running a blog like this one, I generally know about books long before they actually hit bookstore shelves. I read about the deal being signed, then publicists inform me of release dates, I see the galleys, and so forth. It’s a perk, and a necessity, of operating a website like this. However, there are rare…

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Woodrell Profiled in The Independent

  This is a few days old but I don’t know how I previously missed it since Daniel Woodrell is one of my favorites. But, some lucky reporter from The Independent got to travel to the Ozarks to interview Woodrell. Man, I can still remember the exact moment that I saw Give Us a Kiss in the…

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Final Larry Brown Novel Optioned

I was too ill to go into work today, but here’s a bit of news that has absolutely, totally, completely brightened my day. The Book Standard is reporting that the late Larry Brown’s final novel, The Rabbit Factory, has been optioned by Lionsgate. And if the thought of a Larry Brown movie wasn’t exciting enough, the…

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Ripped From the Headlines

I guess if it works for all those CSI shows, then maybe writers should try it… The always useful Publishers Marketplace reported that Jamie Michaels sold a book entitled Kiss My Book to Delacorte recently. It’s the “story of a teen writing sensation who gets caught plagiarizing her debut novel, but finds redemption and romance when…

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