Apparently there?s no Electoral College at Time Magazine, so Hillary Clinton topped their 2017 list of best nonfiction books with ?What Happened,? a memoir whose title wavers between declarative and interrogative, almost like it were lenticular. What happened is anyone?s guess, but Clinton puts forth a shooting gallery of guilty parties, besides Donald Trump: there?s…
With the tragic passing of AC/DC’s founding member and rhythm guitarist Malcom Young, it’s a good time to reflect on an important book about the band’s importance. For an obituary style overview of Young, check out Rolling Stone’s recap of the musician’s life. For our purposes here, we’ll spend some time with Why AC/DC Matters…
This week?s ?11 New Books We Recommend this Week? from The New York Times includes the latest in the Jack Reacher series; an exploration into Vietnam?s My Lai Massacre; and the continuing story of Humpty Dumpty. I?ll admit I haven?t read any of the Jack Reacher books and never saw the movie (when I saw…
Iron Maiden vocalist Bruce Dickinson was already an airplane pilot, champion fencer, and legendary rocker. Now, he’s a bestseller. His memoir “What Does this Button Do? landed at #10 on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction bestseller list. Hard rock books have a special place in the Slushpile library (“place” might not be the best…
With so many Jewish-Americans living in New York City, and with Yiddish being a language that?s still very much alive, one would think there would be at least a few Yiddish bookstores dotting the metropolitan area. But there?s only one?CYCO (pronounced ?SEE-koh?) Publishing House, located in Long Island City, Queens, an area that, while not…