Category: News

The Dangers of Too Much Industry News

  I’m not the most convivial of travelers even under the best circumstances. But, stuck waiting in Long Island’s Islip Airport, I was pushed to where I wanted to burst through the security doors and run screaming down the runway, happy in whatever fate a landing airplane or rushing policeman might have for me. The fake-Rolex flaunting man…

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Maybe She Knows the Cool Dorm, but I Wouldn’t Take Her Advice on Succeeding in Literature Class

Kaavya Viswanathan, the college student who cashed a reported $500,000 advance from Little, Brown which was ultimately cancelled due to numerous allegations of plagiarism, will be advising new students at Harvard this fall. Viswanathan was one of 190 students selected from a pool of 500 applicants to be a peer advising fellow. The Harvard Crimson…

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Woodrell Profiled in USA Today

  I’ve long professed my admiration for Daniel Woodrell’s writing. So it’s nice to see him getting some well-deserved attention with the release of his newest novel, Winter’s Bone. Yesterday, a profile of Woodrell appeared in USA Today. Although brief, the article will hopefully introduce new readers to Woodrell’s fascinating work.

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On Small Presses

  The always informative Miss Snark has some fantastic advice for what to do if you have a couple small presses vying to publish your book. Her post contains lots of great info on how, no matter how dedicated they might be, all small presses are not equal.

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Soul Patrol on Pages

  The invaluable Publishers Marketplace reported on Friday that recent American Idol winner Taylor Hicks signed a book deal. The project was described as “an inspirational book presenting lessons from his decades-long path to success, striving against long odds.” The book is scheduled for publication in early 2007 to coincide with the release of Hicks’ albumn. Rick Horgan…

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