You might recall the interview with editor Jeremie Ruby-Strauss that I posted back in May. Jeremie’s in the news again as Publishers Marketplace reports he recently signed up Tucker Max’s new book for Simon Spotlight Entertainment. The book, titled Assholes Finish First, is scheduled for release in January 2008. The Publishers Marketplace report does not include any financial information, but on…
Mark Z. Danielewski’s Only Revolutions: A Novel debuted at #13 on the New York Times Hardcover Nonfiction bestseller list. It’s great to see such an original and challenging novel dent the list. I had a great conversation with Mark last week so keep an eye out for the Slushpile interview appearing soon.
Be sure to pick up the Oxford American‘s Eighth Annual Music Issue. As usual, the magazine is accompanied by a CD chock full of great music. The writerly line-up for this issue is stellar as well. Peter Guralnick, Tom Piazza, William Gay, Jack Pendarvis, Ron Rash, Beth Ann Fennelly, and Amanda Petrusich all appear in…
I’ve mentioned Francine Prose’s Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them before. And today, the book caught my attention because it’s number twenty on the New York Times Hardover Nonfiction bestseller list. In the last year, I’ve had conversations with about ten agents who all claimed that books about…
A little self-promotion here… I’ve got some new work in the October 2006 issue of Stuff magazine. It’s uncredited work, but hey, you gotta start somewhere I reckon. And the guys are great to work with. So if you’re on the lookout for some new gear, or just like the ladies of Lost be sure…