Category: News

Faulkner’s Vampires

  Syntax of Things pointed out this article in the LA Times about William Faulkner’s vampire film script. “As the exclusive representative of the William Faulkner Literary Estate, producer Lee Caplin (‘Ali’) has had access to the vaunted Mississippi writer’s letters, sketches, notes and other literary works for years. So when Jill Faulkner Summers, the…

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All the King’s Writers

The New York Times had an interesting review of Stephen King’s Lisey’s Story yesterday. What makes Jim Windolf’s examination intriguing is that it’s not just a review of a new novel, but rather an examination of the author character throughout King’s body of work. Windolf also looks at how King’s reputation has shifted over the last…

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Firmin Up the Week’s Schedule

  Over at the Litblog Co-Op, the week’s discussion of Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife by Sam Savage is off to a rousing start. Savage’s book was named the Fall 2006 Read This! selection by the LBC members and it’s an intriguing book that begs a simple question: Is Firmin really a rat?  

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Halloween Bats

As I was swamped with work over the last couple of weeks, I must admit that I fell behind in my blog-reading activites. Hell, let’s be honest, I fell behind in most everything. But I’m starting to catch up. After this morning’s shower, that’s one task off my list. Shaving is next. ANYWAY (as Chuck…

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Now This is What You Call a Platform

  Aspiring authors are often stumped when they see agents and editors recommend a “platform” as part of pitching a book. A few people have emailed me, wondering what exactly this platform business is all about. First of all, platforms are relevant for nonfiction projects. So for those of you rushing to finish your zombie gorefest slasher…

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