If you or I said this, we would be considered bitter, frustrated, bitchy aspiring authors. But thanks to this quote, for one brief moment in time, I am actually a Hugh Grant fan. “When I’ve finished it, I’ll send it to an editor, anonymously, in order for it to be judged objectively,” Grant says about…
Back in February, I mentioned plans for a tribute concert for Larry Brown that featured a number of respected musicians playing in the memory of their old friend. The concert was to be part of the Oxford Conference for the Book’s festivities. Yesterday, the New York Times ran this article about the concert and the weekend…
It’s an odd coincidence. Just the other day, I was looking at the shelf full of Irvine Welsh books. Alongside some Alan Warner. And I wondered, “what ever happened to Duncan McLean?” The Scotsman answered my question for me. According to this intriguing article, McLean managed a jewelry firm, worked as a travelling salesman, and…
Yesterday’s Clarion Ledger had an article about how Mary Annie Brown is coping with the passing of her husband, Larry. She’s narrowed her focus and attention to work and family, shying away from too much else right now. Mary Annie also said she cannot bring herself to read A Miracle of Catfish yet. The…