Hi gang. Tomorrow, I’ll be on a panel at the CityLit Festival IV in Baltimore. Our topic is blogging on books and the conference organizers assure me they have enough security and crowd control to handle the hoards of adoring Slushpile.net fans that will be there. The panel also features Sarah Weinman from Galleycat and Lizzie…
Variety is reporting that HBO plans to turn Richard Ford’s Frank Bascombe trilogy into a six hour miniseries. The Sportswriter, Independence Day, and The Lay of the Land will be directed by James Mangold and written by Mark Bomback.
Dan Wickett, one of my colleagues in the The LitBlog Co-Op provided an engaging lede to an articleon book reviews in yesterday’s New York Times. The article pointed out that Dan wrote 95 book reviews last year, compiling almost half as many examinations as the entire Atlanta Journal Constitution. Other LBCers such as The Elegant Variation,…
While I was enjoying life in the islands, the publishing industry did manage to keep grinding away. And there were some deals signed for what looks to be pretty cool books. All of this information was taken from Publishers Marketplace which is completely worth the nominal subscription fee if you want to keep up with what…
There is an interesting article on Knopf’s recent Pulitzer Prize trifecta in The New York Times. According to the article, Knopf authors have won 58 Pulitzers. So it seems the Pulitzer committee doesn’t hold the same grudge against Knopf that NYT critic Michiko Kakutani sometimes seems to.