Category: News

Faulkner Reading Marathon Announced

To commemorate William Faulkner’s 110 birthday, about 60 readers will gather at Rowan Oak in Oxford, MS to read aloud his novel Go Down Moses. The event is not only celebrating Faulkner’s life and work, but it is also the innagural selection for “Mississippi Reads, a statewide initiative that annually encourages readers to gather around…

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The Opulence of Drug Diaries

Amazon says it’s not due to be released until next week. But my local bookstore had a big stack of Nikki Sixxi’s The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star on the shelf last night. My obsession with eighties metal, and Motely Crue in particular, are well known. So I snapped up…

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Deal Signed for Frey Novel

Yesterday, Galleycat confirmed that HarperCollins signed a deal for a James Frey novel. Today, there are a number of reports with quotes and insights from all the principals involved with the deal. It will be interesting to see how the novel, Bright Shiny Morning sells when it’s released. The Oprah crowd won’t buy it, but then again,…

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Gang Author Faces Life in Prison

Colton Simpson, author of Inside the Crips: Life Inside L.A.’s Most Notorious Gang, was found guilty of robbing a jewelry store on Monday. “With 10 previous convictions for serious crimes, the 41-year-old man could face life behind bars when he is sentenced Sept. 28,” reported the Los Angeles Times. Prosecutors used passages from the book…

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What Was He Thinking?

I’m all for authors being proactive in marketing their books. I’m all for determination, dedication, and even a bit of fanaticism. But this is just ridiculous. Galleycat points out a report about Bill Schneider’s Oprah Book Club lie. Scheider, an administrative director of tourism in Provincetown, wrote a book entitled Crossed Paths. Galleycat reports the book…

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