Pamela Paul, editor of the New York Times Book Review, described Tom Wolfe’s death as the “passing of an era.? He was known for coining phrases such as “radical chic”?a derogatory term for pretentious liberals?and “the Me Decade,? which described the self-indulgence of the 1970s. Wolfe once told the Wall Street Journal: “I think every…
Nick Montfort, author of The Future recently sat down with Slushpile patron saint John Biggs for an episode of the Technotopia podcast. A professor in Comparative Media Studies/Writing at MIT, Montfort advocates a “future making” perspective. Instead of just trying to predict the future, he advises, folks should strive to shape and influence the future.
A number of sources are reporting that an appearance from Rose McGowan at the Union Square Barnes & Noble went south. Here is the Hollywood Reporter’s version. McGowan was appearing in support of her book, Brave. An aggressive questioner (heckler, according to some reports) went on for a period of time before security asked the…
The first time I remember seeing the name ?Mickey Spillane? was in TV Guide, which had a full-page ad proclaiming ?Stacey Keach in Mickey Spillane?s ?Mike Hammer!?? These were too many names for me, and where was Stacey Keach? All I saw was some guy. It took awhile for it to dawn on me that…
So, here’s a book deal that will make you feel like you’ve accomplished almost nothing in your life. “The only member of the U.S. Armed Services to complete SEAL training, U.S. Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training, and only the 36th African American to become a Navy SEAL in its storied…