Category: News

National Book Award Winners

The Associated Press is reporting that Denis Johnson won the National Book Award for Tree of Smoke earlier this evening. Sherman Alexie, Tim Weiner, and Robert Hass were other winners.

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RIP Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer passed away early Saturday morning at the age of 84. I’m afraid I must admit that I never read a single word of Norman Mailer’s work. It’s one of my darkest bookish secrets, but oh well. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t well-aware of the massive swath he cut in American literature. Over at…

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Protecting Whales

Here’s an interesting article about Denver-based author Peter Heller and his work with a community of people who strive to save whales from slaughter.

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Slowhand Quickly Ascends the Bestseller List

Eric Clapton’s Clapton: The Autobiography debuted at #2 on The New York Times Hardcover Nonfiction Bestseller List. It’s an interesting read that I’ll discuss a bit more fully this week. What made my reading experience even more unusual was by immediately following up Slowhand’s book with his former wife Pattie Boyd’s Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison,…

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Akashic Celebrates 10 Years

If you’re in New York City tonight, be sure to swing by the Dweck Center at the Brooklyn Public Library (Central Branch at Grand Army Plaza) to help the great Akashic celebrate ten years of publishing fantastic books. The celebration includes readings by Amiri Baraka, Arthur Nersesian, T Cooper, Preston L. Allen, Felicia Luna Lemus, and…

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