Category: News

Atkins to Sign New Novel

The life of Ace Atkins would make for an interesting book in-and-of-itself. He played football for Auburn and then worked the crime beat for The Tampa Tribune. During his time at the paper, he was nominated for a Pulitzer prize for the work he did on a series of articles about a long-forgotten murder of a…

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Jacobs to Get Healthy

Publishers Marketplace had the news that bestselling author A.J. Jacobs has signed a book deal with Simon & Schuster for two new works. First up is The Healthiest Human Being in the World, where Jacobs visit doctors, nutritionists, DNA folks, and every kind of other health professional whil also “dissecting the meaning of the word ‘healthiest.’” I spoke…

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Bondurant Novel to Hit the Big Screen

You may recall my interview with author Matt Bondurant in July of 2005. Making the rounds in support of his debut novel, The Third Translation, Bondurant discussed wearing colonial garb at Mt. Vernon, the process of getting an agent, and having a novel compared to The Da Vinci Code. It should also be noted that Bondurant’s…

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Mark Richard Film Nears Release

The New York Times ran a detailed piece on film director Kimberly Pierce recently. She helmed the critically acclaimed Boys Don’t Cry in 1999. Her next movie, Stop Loss hits theaters on Friday. What I found most interesting is that one of my favorite teachers, Mark Richard, wrote the script. The Times article includes several…

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So, Some Companies are Evidently Fact Checking

Tom Sykes writes about how his publisher went over his memoir “with a fine-tooth comb.” I especially love how Sykes has to send out his memoir to the people involved for their confirmation. His drug dealer doesn’t mind all the dope peddling but complains about some poor grammar. [via Book Ninja]

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