Category: News

Rapper Writers Sued

Literary Rejections on Display points to an Associated Press report Simon & Schuster has filed suit against rappers ‘Lil Kim and Foxy Brown because the singers did not fulfill the obligations of their book contracts. The article states that Brown received $75,000 for an autobiography that was due in February 2006 and Kim was paid $40,000 for…

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Even Presidential Nominees Get Rejected

So it’s not just you and me. Even presumptive presidential nominees get rejected. Seems the Gray Lady gave Senator John McCain the “this is a subjective business and we wish you the best of luck placing your work elsewhere” treatment.

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They’re Laughing in Heaven

I had a challenging day of conference calls yesterday. When it was finished, my back hurt from being hunched over the desk for eight hours and my ear buzzed from the headset I wear during these calls. I put my cellphone in a drawer and went out to dinner and to a movie. Late last night, I went…

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Now This is Awesome!

So frequently, I read the news of book deals and think, “huh?” But here’s one I’m super-excited about. Here’s the book I’ve been waiting for! Publishers Marketplace is reporting the following deal:  “Robert Morgan’s BIGFOOT OBSERVERS FIELD MANUAL, a practical field manual written by a leading expert on the subject meant to entice a peaceful…

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Krakauer Withdraws Tillman Book

Publishers Weekly is reporting that bestselling author Jon Krakauer has withdrawn his “meditation on the nature of heroism, examined through the story of Pat Tillman, the former football star killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire.” Doubleday had a scheduled release for this coming October and a massive 500,000 first printing. The article states that Krakauer is keeping…

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