Category: News

HarperCollins Digital Catalogs

Yesterday, Publishers Weekly posted an article on the plan to move to digital catalogs at Harper Collins. The article stated that this new “digital alternative that will feature a handful of PR-like bells and whistles, as well as various search capabilities.” On first glance, I’m thrilled about this move. I must admit that my mailbox…

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Emergency Released

Neil Strauss’ new book, Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life hits bookstore shelves today. And he’s kicking off a book tour with a 7pm appearance tonight at the Tribeca Barnes & Noble in New York City. In the next couple of weeks, he’s hitting DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco before heading to…

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HarperCollins Announces New Imprint

The New York Times has a brief article on a new HarperCollins imprint. Led by Carrie Kania, It Books will focus on “pop culture, sports, style and content derived from the Internet.” Also in the article is the first public reference (that I’m aware of) to Igniter Books, a new subimprint led by Neil Strauss…

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Raymond Carver Biography Sold

Publishers Marketplace reported news yesterday of a new Raymond Carver biography being sold: “Michael Hemmingson’s RAYMOND CARVER: A Critical Biography, an interpretative approach to Raymond Carver’s life, placing the writer’s biography within the context of American history, politics, economics, and the literary landscape of the time, examining the content of the short stories in relation…

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Informers Trailer Released

. The film version of Bret Easton Ellis’ Informers is scheduled for release next month and the movie trailer is beginning to make the rounds on the Internet. You can see view the trailer and sign up for email alerts at this website. Although I’ve heard the film dropped the vampire subplot from Ellis’ book,…

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