Category: News

Kristen Roupenian Is Not Cat Person

As an apt follow-up to both my previous post about a writing career’s sure path to poverty, as well an earlier post about how an unknown writer’s first short story in the New Yorker led to a seven-figure deal with an S&S imprint, comes “What It Felt Like When ‘Cat Person’ Went Viral,” by Kristen…

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NYT: Writers Will Now Starve to Death, Die

Unless they’re Ernest Hemingway. In this edition of “Why did I major in English?” or, “Why did I go to a liberal arts college?” The New York Times‘ Concepci?n de Le?n presents us with this bit of news: “‘In the 20th century, a good literary writer could earn a middle-class living just writing,’ said Mary…

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Olivia Newton-John Is Not Abe Vigoda

2019 has already seen the deaths of Super Dave Osborne, Mean Gene Okerlund, and Neil Young’s ex-wife. But not only is Aussie singer-actress Olivia Newton-John not dying, she’s also releasing her memoir in the U.S. this March. According to Publishers Weekly? “Don?t Stop Believin,?” published by Gallery Books, “will feature a new afterword by the…

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ASoIaF Release Date News: There Still Is No Release Date

[Spoilers, kinda] Game of Thrones has more sex and acronyms than an orgy in an all-hands business meeting. But even less titillating is the fact that there’s still no release date for the final books in the A Song of Ice and Fire (ASoIaF) series?The Winds of Winter (WoW) and A Dream of Spring (ADoS).…

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Hachette Has Found God

In a move that will surprise no one, Hachette has bought another publishing house?Worthy Publishing Group, which specializes in Christian-themed books, including Jeremiah’s Study Bible; The World Jesus Knew; and a Mike Huckabee book slated for Fall 2018. Located in Nashville, Tenn., Worthy will join the Museum of Bible Books as Elle Claire as the…

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