On Sunday, British writer Alan Sillitoe passed away at 82 years of age. He was perhaps best-known for his story “The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.” A generous graduate school professor turned me on to Sillitoe’s work when I reached that inevitiable point that male writers seem to reach where they get pissed off.…
To help get over the pain of submitting your taxes today, swing by the bookstore after you escape the long lines at the post office and pick up Infamous by Ace Atkins. Another entertaining merger of fact and fiction, Infamous focuses on Machine Gun Kelly and his wife Kathryn as they go on a crime…
Publishers Marketplace is reporting that the first complete collection of short work by Gordon Lish has sold to Or Books. It’ll be interesting for people to check out Captain Fiction’s own work, given the attention he’s received lately for shaping Raymond Carver’s stories.
The Oxford Eagle in Oxford, Mississippi is reporting that Barry Hannah passed away today. This is just days before this weekend’s Oxford Conference for the Book dedicated to scholarly discussions and celebrations of Barry’s work. It looks like details are still somewhat sketchy. I’m making some calls to try and find out more. There’s a…