Category: News

Canongate’s Explanation About Julian Assange Book

Nick Davies, the publishing director for interesting article issued an interesting explanation of why the house is publishing WikiLeaks’ chief Julian Assange’s book against his will. Davies’s account is an intriguing look at what goes on behind the scenes with some of these celebrity books. The subject isn’t happy, can’t be made happy, the publishing…

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Digital Tomfoolery in Publishing: Anonymous Book Proposal Shopped

According to The New York Observer, a controversial and secretive group known for attacks on credit card servers, Wall Street protests, and other forays into civil disobedience is shopping a book. The group in question is Anonymous which reportedly (according to Wikipedia, and we know everything there is fact) originated in 2003. More recent targets…

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Pardon Our Dust

Please pardon our dust as we undergo some construction here at As you’ve undoubtedly noticed, we’ve installed a new theme and will be working out the kinks in the coming days. But we have some cool interviews coming up so be sure to check back regularly. Thanks for reading!

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Are Bad Reviews Better than No Reviews?

Here’s an interesting article that says Stanford researchers believe bad book reviews may help lesser known authors. The key point here is that researchers “looked at the effects bad publicity had in well-known and obscure books over time. Some subjects looked at glowing and negative reviews for a well-known book by John Grisham and reviews…

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The Velvet Planning a Re-Design

Some writers have fan forums dedicated to discussing their work. And some groups of aspiring authors have forums to chat about their emerging careers. But there aren’t many examples of forums that combine these two topics. Which is why I’m such a fan of The Velvet, a community that grew up because of a shared…

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