Category: News

Zane Facing Significant IRS Troubles

According to the Washington Post, best-selling author Zane has “sold millions of steamy novels, has been chased by creditors, including the IRS and the state of Maryland, according to court records and staff officials.” Kristina Laferne Roberts writes with the pseudonym of Zane. She’s facing a $541,000 claim from the IRS and a tax lien…

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Super Bowl Book Predictions

The day after the Super Bowl is full of Monday morning quarterbacking. And yes, the sports networks will even begin their predictions for next year. For the bookish among us, it’s amusing to start speculating on which players will sign book deals in the coming weeks. Usually, it’s the winning quarterback or maybe a more…

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Slushpile Founder Nears Goal of YA Novel Crowdfunding Campaign

John Biggs, the patron saint of, has launched a crowdfunding campaign in support of his young adult novel, Mytro. He is closing in on his goal, and offering some cool rewards, so contribute to the effort here. I’ve read the vast majority of this novel and it’s a great read, so I can definitely…

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LA Times Obit for Louis D. Rubin

The great Louis D. Rubin passed away recently. Perhaps most well-known for co-founding Algonquin Books, Rubin was also a fine and frequent writer. The Los Angeles Times has a great overview of Rubin’s life. Check here to read the obit.

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National Books Awards Held Tonight

The 2013 National Book Awards will be held tonight in New York City. All the finalists are great, but around here, we’re pulling for George Saunders, who has had a special place in our heart ever since hearing him read “Offloading for Mrs. Schwartz” from CivilWarLand in Bad Decline. Fiction Finalists –Rachel Kushner, The Flamethrowers…

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