I’ve just imported all of the old data from Slushpile since 2005 – no mean feat – so it should all be here. I’d love to hear from you all about why you read Slushpile and what you’re looking for. I’m trying to make this a bit more lively at the very least. Please comment…
Artist John Campbell, creator of the site Pictures For Sad Children, has started burning printed copies of his book after hitting $50,000 on Kickstarter yet finding himself still unable to ship the books. He posted video of the burning on Kickstarter after receiving complaints from customers.
Thanks to the jubilee we’ve been given with the site, it would be great if we could start fresh with some new content and new writers. We can get you books. We need you to review them. Want to join us? Email john@biggs.cc with a few sample reviews and your specific reading/writing interests. We’d love…
During a move we lost some of the data for Slushpile. We’ll be updating the site and all the SP goodness you expect should keep coming. Bear with us in this time of great peril.
These cultural history books can sometimes get a bit old. It seems like every conceivable gadget, trend, style, and food item has been written about. But every once in a while, a title comes along that catches my eye. So I was actually excited to see this bit of news in Publishers Marketplace: Shawn Fury’s…