[Originally posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005] I don???t know why that old Willie Nelson lyric popped into my head?ΔΆ probably because I wish I had the funds to attend this workshop. The fine folks at Tin House are putting on a great writer???s workshop from July 9th through the 16th. It looks like it???s…
[Originally published on Tuesday, June 14, 2005] CNN has a nice report on the positive impact the Barksdale Reading Institute is having in Mississippi. Founded by former Netscape CEO Jim Barksdale, the organization endeavors to improve the ???preliteracy??? skills for preschoolers and reading for children in kindergarten through the third grade. The institute provides books…
[Originally posted on June 10, 2005] Pat Walsh is a founding editor at one of our favorite publishers, MacAdam/Cage. This fine independent publisher has gained notoriety for its varied booklist. The publisher brings you everything from Southern gothics to edgy underground fiction to quiet, critically acclaimed stories. They published The Time Traveler’s Wife as well…
[Originally posted June 8, 2005] I’ll have to go back and check the archives to see how many books I predicted would come out of the Michael Jackson trial. I know I did mention yesterday that the folks in jury deliberations must be honing their literary dreams as we speak. Well, now Associated Press reports…