Category: News

Myths Writers Live By, But Should Abandon

There’s a great article in the July/August issue of Poets & Writers that everyone should check out. Myths We Live By, But Shouldn’t by David Galef outlines 14 myths that are such a part of the writing culture, we often just accept them as truths. But the reality is that these myths hinder our progress…

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Here’s Why I’ll Never Make the Corner Office

[Originally posted Tuesday, June 28, 2005] There has been a flurry of reports in the magazine and publishing worlds about a book proposal that, depending on who you talk to, is either a signed deal or never existed in the first place. At one time, Steve Florio was the chief executive at Conde Nast, the…

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Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

[Originally posted on Thursday, June 23, 2005] I could care less about skydiving, bungee jumping, or any of those other extreme adventures. But the one thing I want to do before I die is get in a cage and see a great white shark up close. I???m fascinated by the creatures so I???ll be rushing…

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Author to Write Poker Column

[Originally posted on Thursday, June 23, 2005] Seems that The New York Times is getting into the poker craze. Editor & Publishers is reporting that James McManus has been signed to write a weekly column about the game. The report states ???The newspaper promises the column will ???cover the world of poker including its lore,…

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My Man Billy Bob Starring with Brad

[Originally posted Friday, June 17, 2005] The Washington Post picked up a Reuters report that Billy Bob Thornton and Brad Pitt have signed on to perform in the flim version of Peace Like a River. The 2001 novel, written by Leif Enger, was a favorite of independent booksellers everywhere. Jim Harrison, Rick Bass, and Frank…

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