There’s a great new issue of The Oxford American on newsstands now. The issue focuses on Southern food and it’s place in the culture of the region. Guest-edited by food expert John T. Edge, the magazine has wide-ranging articles dealing with every aspect of food you can imagine. But for me, personally, the chile hidden…
Esteemed member of The Velvet, friend of Slushpile, and dedicated writer and publishing observer, Logan Chance Rapp has gotten a summer job most of us would envy. Whereas I spent a summer in the Mississippi heat painting swimming pools by hand, Logan has been lucky enough to score an internship at one of our favorite…
Dave Taylor is a computer whiz who answers questions about techie matters such as shell script programming, Unix topics, Linux techniques, Mac OS X, cascading style sheets, and HTML among any other computer thing you can dream up off the top of your head. But here, he answers a viewer’s question about writing a book.…
I learned about this through the fine website MobyLives, which you can check out here. Amazon posted their Hall of Fame of Authors. Now before folks get crazy debating the merits of this author or that author, let’s point out that Amazon calculated their Hall of Fame purely based on sales totals. So maybe it…
More on this later, but the short news is that Evan Hunter, best known for his books written under the name Ed McBain, passed away at the age of 78. Sad news of a hugely influential author who “virtually invented the American police procedural with his gritty 87th Precinct series featuring an entire detective squad…