Category: News

Guy Better Get His Birkenstocks Ready

AJ Jacobs signed a deal with editor Geoff Kloske at Simon & Schuster for a book called The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Obey the Bible as Literally as Possible. Sloan Harris at ICM was the agent involved in the deal, reported to be worth between a quarter of a million…

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Congrats to Slushpile Favorites

I’m happy to say that Publishers Lunch is reporting a deal that involves two of our very favorite people. Will Christopher Baer, author of Kiss Me, Judas and others sold three new books of “existential violence and intensity” to one of our favorite editors, Jason Wood at MacAdam/Cage. Too often, I look at the news…

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Unfortunate Timing

There is a Reuters report about a frightening coincidence between fiction and reality in London. We all know that publishers plan their book releases months and months in advance, so now Random House imprint Chatto & Windus in England is scrambling to turn off an advertising campaign they spent months planning. Incendiary by Chris Cleave…

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Writing Teacher Signs Big Book Deal

According to Publishers Lunch Hollywood writing teacher John Truby signed a six-figure deal with Faber & Faber to publishe his Anatomy of a Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller. Truby has worked with numerous Hollywood writers over the years, including the people behind such movies as Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek, Scream, and…

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Walsh to Appear at Clean Well Lighted Place

Readers of Slushpile undoubtedly know my affinity for Pat Walsh’s 78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published and 14 Reasons Why It Just Might. We’ve mentioned it several times in these pages and there are a couple of book reviews I’ve seeded around the internet that hopefully will spring up soon. But today,…

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